Since the Health Care Reform Bill passed the House, then the Senate and now the house again and has been signed into law by President Obama, his numbers have skyrocketed. In less than a week, Obama has gone from a minus 3 (and a Drudge headline that the President is "upside down in the polls") to a plus 9 points today at Gallup. That's a 12 point swing in less than 7 days.
I know some folks here are disappointed that the bill doesn't go far enough, and I agree. But what constructive alternative do we have? We need more liberal Democrats to move this bill further in the direction that will make health insurance more affordable. We can now move this bill with a simple majority any time we have the political strength and will. I'd rather be us than them. And, until some unimaginable political earthquake changes our 2 party system, that's all there is. Us and Them.
Link to Gallup: