In reference to Sarah Palin's "tea party" rally in Harry Reid's blink-and-you'll-miss-it hometown.Casey Hendrickson, KXNT Radio, Las Vegas
The Tea Party Express (who doesn’t speak on behalf of the tea party movement) has announced they will openly attack U.S. Senate candidate Scott Ashjian. They will claim he’s not a viable candidate (then why attack him?).
Just another piece of evidence that the Tea Party Express is a GOP rally event, and not a legitimate grassroots effort to get ALL politicians to listen to the people. It should be noted that Gov. Gibbons is welcome at the event (because we all know how conservative this RINO is), and is offering a bus ride to the event in exchange for donations to his reelection campaign.
The Tea Party Express needs to rename themselves as The GOP Express. Latching onto a movement that started without them, was successful without them, and will exist long after they are gone is disingenuous.