Here is a post I made at FireDoglake:
"The pro-lifers/anti-abortionists need to direct their fury upon who deserves it and that is the Republicans in Congress. Had the Republicans truly been concerned about “saving the unborn”, they could have negotiated in good faith with the Democrat leadership. In exchange for their vote for the HCR, the Stupak-Pitts amendment would have been included. Surely, the Republicans in both chambers could have provided more then enough votes to replace those of progressive Dems who would have bolted. Instead of Obama’s EO which can be rescinded at any time and the Hyde amendment which has to be renewed every year, the Stupak-Pitts amendment would have been the law of the land.
But the Republicans didn’t do that. Instead, they tried to use abortion as a wedge issue in an effort to defeat HCR in it entirety. They placed their hopes on a Democrat who was a devout Catholic and well known in Congress for his pro-life views. However, Stupak was also a loyal Democrat who voted the party line over 90% of the time and himself refused the health care coverage offered all members of Congress because of a campaign promise he made back in 1992 that he would not accept the coverage until every American had health care coverage.
Unlike any Republican, Stupak negotiated and continued to negotiate until he got the best deal he could get and then agreed to vote in favor of the HCR. With that, any Republican chance of defeating the HCR bill vanished.
The Republicans, in attempting to use the abortion issue as a tool to defeat HCR, ought to be the focus of the fury expressed by the radical pro-lifers/anti-abortionists."