The recent threats, and violence, have been said to be a temporary condition. I am not so sure. I have heard many talk about how they desire to make the gov fear US. How this should be a permanent condition. This being the best way to keep Dems from accomplishing any collective goals. I feel this is the goal of all the intimidation. It is not random acts. It is not overflowing emotion. It is the new status quo. The pushes to redefine all political words, to remove any solace, and to smash any faith in gov to address any human needs, have led to here.
If we do not stomp these beginnings of anarchy, we will soon have it blossom in full. Why are there guns showing up at rallies? To celebrate their rights? Nah, to impose an overarching threat, to cow us all. Why are there Oathkeepers, in wholly unknown quantities, ready to begin the coup? Why does the right threaten to activate all their sleeper cell US servicemen, ready to install military coup?
The answer is simple, they have seen demographics, and see their own doom at all subsequent ballot boxes. Thus, the talk of the evil of Democracy, and the tyranny of the majority. They feel their best hope at controlling the pace of progress, or their dreaded CHANGE, is veiled threat of genocide.
I dont think they expect to ever have to engage in war on their neighbors, as they were successful in framing all liberals as weak, and passive. They simply expect to use their threats of genocide, to achieve the same goals as Bin Laden. To move us to act, in ways that he would prescribe.
I think it is high time to put the AH64 Apache fear of God into some of these terrorist militias, sooner, rather than later, or we will end up with the Libertarian Disneyland, Anarchy.
Oathkeepers, that entertain glommed on oaths, in addition to their sworn oath, to our nation, should be fired, with black marks on their records, that dissallow them to spread further threat.
We were unallowed to study, and find solutions to this right wing threat of genocide, as the right went ballistic at the sniff of a study. Calls for Napolitano's firing were not far from successful. Smear campaigns, using McCarthyite tactics, have replaced anything approaching honest debate. And there are NO apologies for the new neolying tactics. Just promise of evermore stringent determination of commie flaws.
This will not end well, unless we use these domestic terrorists, to steel our resolve, to the level that we frighten them. Some will accuse me of sowing dissention, TOO FUCKING LATE, it is sown. How we respond, will be the difference between encouraging threats of genocide, or repelling them.
False equivalency, and sickening tries to level the sides insinuation of threat, needs to end. Straight talk, without any levity, or softening of the terms, must commence immediately.
Lets Roll.