I donated to Bill Halter yesterday BTW. Got this from a friend today: Man was yesterday a bad day for Senator Lincoln.......
- It's now clear that her attacks on so called "outside groups" ring hollow since she was seeking our support a few months ago -- per her OWN CAMPAIGN releasing her 2010 survey.
- And her 1994 survey perfectly shows why she is no longer supported by working families in Arkansas. She is just another hypocritical DC politician who promised one thing to workers when she was in Arkansas, then when she got to DC, went native and left all those promises behind.
Only in DC, kids, only in DC........
http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com/uncategorized/lincoln-slams-washington-unions-but-she-aggressively-sought-their-backing/Greg Sargent's blog
Senator Blanche Lincoln, who’s facing a tough primary challenge from Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter, has taken to denouncing outside “liberal” groups backing her challenger, singling out the “Washington D.C. unions” that are giving Halter huge amounts of cash and support.
But documents show Lincoln aggressively sought the support of these “Washington D.C. unions” several months ago — undercutting her derision for them.
Lincoln filled out a candidate questionnaire for the AFL-CIO, provided to me by a union spokesperson, in which pitched herself as reliable on their key issues.
In it, Lincoln took great pains to sell herself to the AFL-CIO. She said she strongly backs the right to bargain collectively (though not a supporter of the Employee Free Choice Act); tax cuts for low- and middle-income workers; strict enforcement of trade laws; and health care reforms to benefit “the working people of Arkansas.”
The fact that Lincoln filled out an eight-page form soliciting the AFL-CIO’s support would seem to undercut her suggestion that there’s something untoward about the backing her opponent is receiving from “Washington D.C. unions.”
There’s more. While Lincoln has suggested labor is backing her opponent as part of some nefarious national liberal plot, a candidate questionnaire for the AFL-CIO she filled out during her 2004 reelection campaign shows she’s reneged on her promises to labor.
FULL story at link.