Friday :: Mar 26, 2010
Authoritarian Bullies Don’t Lose Well
by paradox
Sirhan Sirhan is still serving a life sentence for assassinating Robert Kennedy only an hour’s drive from here in San Quentin, much to his lawyer’s chagrin. Almost all murderers serving over 40 years with a relative sound mind are paroled, absolutely nowhere is there any codification enforcing different justice for killing politicians, but as sure as the sun rose this morning Sirhan will die of old age at San Quentin.
Such has always been the ultimate political nightmare in the United States or anywhere, critical organized political outcomes among vast groups ripped asunder by some lone confused violent crank like Sirhan, who hurt us so much without even being in an environment where the last VP candidate in the election recently updated her Facebook page with rifle sight graphics.
Foul violent Republicans like Sarah Palin and her rifle sights act radically and dangerously because they’re used to it, it truly is a lot of fun to abuse Democrats and liberals, watch them quiver in rage as she continually puts them down. It’s even more fun to make a fake tape of soliciting prostitution in an ACORN office that was so childishly transparent in its premise and yet still made the Democrats run like little wussies, man what a gas. Did you hear ACORN recently closed shop? Ha ha!
Federal Democrats, it’s long been observed and known you’re helpless classic bully victims, your neurotic appeasement and fleeing is only inviting more and extreme forms of the abuse.
It’s your duty to grow and change, not only for the sake of the country but for personal and familial reasons too. The enraged powerless opposition got out the rifle sight graphics, you don’t have a choice anymore. Follow the leadership of Senator Franken and Representative Grayson in this regard, it isn't any accident that two total newcomers to DC know precisely what to do.the rest: