McMorris-Santoro | March 24, 2010, 11:30AM
After the historic health care reform vote in the House Sunday, more Americans say that President Obama has done a better job on health care reform than either party. That's according to new USA Today/Gallup poll out this morning.
Among all voters surveyed Monday, 46% said Obama did and "excellent or good" job on health care reform. Thirty-two percent said the same thing about Democrats in Congress, and just 26% said it about Republicans on Capitol Hill.
The numbers split along party lines, as would be expected. But among independents, Obama remains the highest-rated figure of the reform debate -- 37% give him an "excellent or good" rating, while the Democrats in Congress get a 22% rating and the Republicans in Congress a 27% rating.
Other results from the poll, first reported yesterday, show that most voters think passing the bill was a good idea, with many calling it a good first step toward more reforms later.