A quiet dinner out Local Republicans are circulating an e-mail, on the jump, from a doctor's wife happy about getting in U.S. Rep. Vic Snyder's face over his health care vote during dinner with his wife at Graffiti's.
Tonight was something straight out of the movies! Nine of my girlfriends were out in Little Rock for a couple of birthday celebrations at our favorite restaurant, Graffiti's. We had been there about one hour when Vic Snyder walked in with his wife Betsy and of course looked around the room as if everyone loved him. My friend Morie said, give him a chance to sit down and order a drink and I am going to tell him what I think about his "yes" vote on Saturday night for the Health Care amendment. I said "don't go without me!" All of a sudden Morie rose and walked off and I jumped up and followed her. Morie went up to him and shook his hand and said how disappointed she was in his vote, Vic just smiled and said "thank you for your opinion". I shook his hand and told him my name and that I was married to Glenn Davis, a physician and that we were going to do all we could to see that he was not re-elected. His wife Betsy sat there with her mouth open. Betsy and I have known each other for several years and have served on the Arkansas Hospice Board together. After we sat down three of our friends got up about 15 minutes later to tell him what they thought and he said " my wife is in tears because of the other two women who were so rude and we do not want to hear anymore. My girlfriend, Linda, whose son is a Marine pilot said " they were not rude, they just wanted you to know that you were wrong in voting yes". Vic and Betsy got up to leave but she stopped at our table to tell us how disappointed she was that we chose to interrupt their dinner and that we should call his office. I looked her in the eye and said " Vic works for me and I can say whatever, whenever I want and he should be ashamed to vote yes for this bill. I said we would like to have the same health care plan they and their four kids have, one boy and a set of triplets(under a year old), at their age, who is paying for that? Betsy ran off and Vic paid the bill. Everyone at the table said to him, hope you enjoyed the dinner we just paid for. It was so great! Vic had no response and I cannot tell you how many people came to our table and thanked us for what we did. Keep after these people, they are so out of touch with America ! Janet
I happened to have heard about this episode earlier from the other side of the fence. In that account, Snyder paid his own bill and went on to Vino's.
http://www.arktimes.com/blogs/arkansasblog/2009/11/a_quiet_dinner_out.aspx I posted this in the LBN thread about a death thereat Snyder received, but I thought it should have more attention than that. Keep in mind this is the stuff these criminals sign their names to, this woman was proud of this behaviour. As a footnote, she is a big supporter of Rove protege Tim Griffin of Attorneygate and caging fame. She had a fundraiser for Tim at her home the week after this happened (he is running for Vic's now vacant seat). If there is any small justice, I know of a few people who severed their relationship with Janet Davis' husband's medical practice in response to this. Also, her husband is a big promoter of Club for Growth.