They pretend that all the problems with our country began with that "communist", Barack Obama. All the debt, the unemployment, everything, is the fault of Obama and the Democrats. So they express their anger at losing their country and their freedoms and threaten violence to get their way.
But they joined the Tea Party movement for different reasons. They deserted the Republican Party because they knew the truth and they still know the truth. It is they, more than anyone else, that are responsible for the condition of our nation because they supported George W Bush and his wiping his butt on the Constitution and all his profligate spending, on wars, etc. They never raised their voices one time.
Now, they live with their guilt and trade it off as some sort of movement to "take back our country". They need to seek psychiatric help. They have serious mental problems due to their lack of judgment and political positions of the last decade or so. Rather than confront their own short-comings, they prefer to blame it on everyone else. Their anger has it roots in their feelings of guilt. They rationalize all the propaganda but they know the truth.