An email received today:
Dear Friends,
The health care vote was a historic one, but our work is nowhere near finished. We must continue to stand up against what will be an onslaught by Republicans and special interests, working to undo the bill and unseat its supporters.I have proudly fought for health care reform - and I’m still fighting hard for a public option and additional enhancements. But I firmly believe that if we pause and congratulate ourselves, if we let up, we will find our progress watered down or even reversed. This was a critically important step, but millions of Americans will still struggle under exorbitant costs, and many may still die due to the profit motives of the insurance companies.
I've never been afraid to voice my beliefs - even when they're strong. But, as you might expect, being a visible, outspoken critic of Republican policies has made me a target. In fact, the Executive Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee says that I am their #1 target in 2010.
Please help me stay in this seat, buy contributing today or on Saturday, during our latest money-bomb.
There are plenty of House districts that are so-called "safe seats." Their representatives have the luxury of not worrying too much about their choice of words.
My seat isn't a safe seat, but I speak my mind anyway.If we're going to end the control that special interests have over our government... if we're going to reverse the Citizens United decision, for example, which gives corporations the ability to provide direct unlimited financial support for candidates... we can't play it safe.
We have to have guts.
My job is to stand up for what's right. As a supporter, we need you to help us stand up for you.
Please help me defend what’s right - and keep me fighting for you. Click here to contribute to the money-bomb.
On Saturday, everyone will hear us. If you help.
Thank you for helping me fight on. Congressman Alan Grayson