We can find polls that support our position that Americans like the HCR Law.
Conservatives can find polls that support their position that Americans don't like the HCR Law.
But the last official poll, the one that has a larger sample set (by a factor of thousands) than any poll commissioned by any polling outfit ever said this:
Obama 53% McCain 46%
That poll, the only one that matters, said that the American people agree with President Obama's agenda, as stated during his campaign.
He campaigned on, among other things, bringing Health Care coverage to the 32 million people who didn't have it.
By a count of 66 million to 56 million, the American people said that they want to move forward with Barack Obama's stated agenda over John McCain's.
The next time some teabagger shouts about the "polls" showing that Americans are against Health Care Reform, remind them of this fact. The only poll taken in the past two years that matters said otherwise.
There'll be another poll taken in 2010 and another in 2012. And those polls will determine what is next for the American agenda.
Until then.... STFU, teabaggers. The American people have spoken. On November 4, 2008. They wanted Health Care Reform.