The Party of No Class-No Change Strikes Out: Hawking Hate Speech, Cranking Up Violence
by Robert Becker | March 26, 2010 - 10:50am
Is "Repeal and Replace" what took a century to pass the real GOP-Shock Jock-Tea Party strategy for this year? Bring that one on. Total in the right's upsurge in vitriol, violence, and vituperation against the middle-class majority who will come to benefit from this starter health reform bill.
The Democrats, flying high with the era's first big political win, look like bloody giants in values and sanity next to anti-change, anti-cooperation, anti-government no-brainers. Does the GOP now mean - Get Out Psychos? Or Grouse, Outrage & Provoke? Gone Over the Precipice?Full speed, reverse! Just when the Republican Party appeared to escape its own post '06 suicide pack. With unerring though astonishing consistency, ultra-conservative stalwarts have married knee-jerk faux outrage to the impossible dream: the last repealed major law was Glass-Steagall and that took over six decades. Repealing anything, especially facing an eminently re-electable president, competes in difficulty with Constitutional amendments or in Bush-Cheney's case respecting the Constitution.
So, the same party reeling from Bushstink - then going rogue-weird when the Tundra tease, Palin the Great Pretender, conned the Great Sore Loser-to-be - will topple resurgent Democrats in six months? With top Republican leaders like John Boehner screaming apoplectically, "Hell, no, you can't" just before they could and they did. Add a page to the ample GOP Delusion Guide. With follow-up by Boehner to the forever mangled Gracious GOP Losers' Handbook with this Hate Speech-Religious Wedge Ploy: he actually said, in public, fellow Ohio congressman Steve Driehaus was "a dead man" who "can't go home to the west side of Cincinnati" because "the Catholics will run him out of town." On the heels of such nobility from the top, from the bottom Republican rabble egged on illegal disrupters being dragged from their own House chamber just after cheering Tea Party bigots who spit out racist and homophobic slurs against fellow House members. Good show. Is this part of the Elect-Democrats scheme?
Hurling the last rock in the pile
So now
the Party of No fits No to a tee: No Law and Order, No Respect for Others, No Tolerance for Disagreement, No Grace under Pressure. Great campaign slogans, especially along with multiple threats (and bricks through windows) against Democratic officeholders. Sarah Palin, the best paid, rightwing stand-up comic, couldn't resist adding her incendiary best shot: her web site whooped it up for "reloading" to "target" health reformers, with gun site graphics on adversary districts. Add in Fox propaganda, Russ Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, competing in outrageousness, with more scorched-earth rhetoric to complete the demotion of civility. What team-work, what discipline, what lunacy when appealing to adults!
Unless divorced from extremism, the Republican Party will mightily offend centrists who aren't racists and don't hate gay people. That directly blunts this year's election damage. True, Mid-terms bring out the faithful but violence and criminal assault will also drive Democratic loyalists to the polls. In short, how does the same failed '06 and '08 credo, favoring the biggest businesses and the smallest minds, succeed when this misguided ploy stripped rightwingers from power? Elected Republicans and linked allies are now dripping nothing less than incendiary resistance to the idea of government, from appointments, committee meetings, formal votes, indeed the very spirit of majority rule. When in our history has such a self-inflicted suicide pack succeeded?more...