"And yet they created the most expensive, most invasive, and most oppressive government in the history of America. The Bush government, with its institution of torture, its anti-constitutional Patriot Act, its bloat of the government, its adding $5 trillion to federal debt after the Clinton government had painstakingly and expensively to itself created the first balanced budget in decades, has been the closest that America has ever come to totalitarianism. Not Woodrow Wilson, not FDR, not Nixon, not Carter and certainly not Clinton added this much bloat to the government or made it more invasive, unconstitutional, and destructive of people's rights."
"That the Republicans have gotten away with their lies is testimony mainly to the fact that they know how to shout the loudest and be the most bullying in their presentation. But it is not shouting the loudest or being a bully, but rather the truthfulness of one's claims, that make for rightful solutions. It is time that the Democrats address and confront all the lies that have come from American Right. This is one such endeavor from one registered Democrat.
I wonder why the Democrats allow so many compromises when dealing with an opposition that has no work ethic to speak of. Republicans are gambling on the fact that by the time reasonable people come to the end of the yarn they have spun, the chaos that it created, will lead those reasonable people to move on and try and stem the tide of chaos they have walked away from.
There is a marked difference to the health care fall out between the Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans are feeding their base with fear and creating violence. The Democrats have started to change the law via discussion and hopefully amendments. Let's not let the Republicans court unreasonableness to jimmy open a door for these crazies who feed off of the hate they create.... Now the facts and spread them...