Right wing radio hosts search for the worst. They are the world's biggest pessimists. They see only evil, so if that saying "Evil is in the eye of the beholder" is true, then Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, Levin, OReilly and all the rest of their ilk are absolutely evil.
They all use the same formula. They take one percent truth and weave in 99% lies, deception, fear, anger and racism. It's a proven formula that will always work against the most illiterate, ignorant and gullible people in any society. These radio hosts are confident their listeners will never do fact checks on what they are told. If they did these radio bullies would soon be out of business.
But unfortunately, the marketing of hatred is a big revenue producer. Radio hosts manipulate their willing audiences with verbal puss, language that is offensive to the aware and intelligent, yet delicious to those who are lazy, ignorant, and yes, stupid.
One tactic used by right wing hosts is to play the 'connect the dots' game. They cite four or five facts (dots) and create an entire abstract painting (story) of delusion and lies. Even though the painting has millions of 'dots', these right wing opportunists only show their audience a handful, and make up the rest. They don't tell their audiences that they aren't disclosing the other 999,995 'dots' that make up an honest and true painting, but their audience doesn't care. They are only capable of hearing what they want to hear, and right wing radio hosts are all too eager to feed them the vile, disgusting verbal diarrhea they crave. Their audiences lap up every drop of these radio hosts' puss-filled drool like thirsty mongrel dogs addicted to this rancid cocktail of hatred, racism, rage, fear and delusion.
The only cures for this right wing disease are truth, facts, honestly and rational, reasonable and sane communication. But curing a right winger of their disease is even more of a challenge than treating someone stricken with Ebola. I have empathy for someone who has fallen victim to one of the myriad of diseases lurking around every corner, but I have no sympathy for those who are addicted to hate, and use that hate to try to harm others. Currently, conservatives are using every violent means to intimidate and drive fear into anyone they deem to be an enemy of their cause. They are using a myriad of weapons to accomplish their evil goals. They threaten the lives of members of congress and their families. They throw bricks through windows of congressional offices. They spit on distinguished congressmen. They leave despicable messages filled with rage and threats telling people they are going to kill them with bombs or guns.
The acts of these conservative extremists are terrorist acts and should be treated as domestic terrorists. The object of these thugs is clear, to create terror in anyone who disagrees with them. There are no differences between a foreign terrorist committing unconscionable acts against our fellow Americans and these home grown terrorists. What makes this even more unsettling is the support the most violent and unhinged people in society have received from the leaders of the republican party. During the past year while violent rhetoric has escalated to physical acts of terrorism, republican leaders have been silent, making sure they say nothing lest they offend the extremists on the right and lose their support. Countless times in the past year leaders in the republican party have apologized to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, when they should have severely condemned him.
The republican party used to be a party with statesmen, visionaries and men of character and intelligence. But now the leaders are exploitive thugs who will use any opportunity to further their agenda, even if it means siding with people who provoke rage, racism, anger, fear and violence every day. The republican party is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the radical right. They have ceased to be a viable, coherent political party. Their new 'leaders' are radio terrorists like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and hundreds of their clones all trying to be more outrageous than the other, and each saying anything to appeal to the basest instincts of their audiences. The more hatred they can generate, the more they are rewarded with huge amounts of cash. They have no allegiance to our country, our citizens or anything decent. They are in business to make massive profits in any way they can.
What disgusts me even more than the affliction of hate that has infected so many conservative extremists, is their claim to be 'Christians'. I'm sure if Jesus appeared today he would be savagely condemned by these very people who profess to follow him. Because of Jesus' work to help heal the sick, feed the hungry and lift the spirits of the downtrodden, conservative extremists would denounce Jesus by calling him a communist, socialist, Marxist, Nazi, Maoist and Stalinist. They would condemn Jesus because of who he associated saying he "palled around with terrorists, murderers, thieves and prostitutes". They would condemn him for they way he dressed. They would condemn him because he wasn't making a fortune. They would attack him because Jesus was an advocate of the people over those who were rich and powerful.
Conservative extremists would be outraged at how Jesus attacked the money lenders and overturned the tables in which they were conducting business. And they would say Jesus was evil because he said "it would be easier for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle than to get to the kingdom of heaven".
Conservative extremists always side with the rich and powerful over the poor and vulnerable. They always blame the victims and cheer on the abusive perpetrators. I'm sure if Jesus was pulled from the cross before he died, those on the right would deny him the medical care he needed to survive. They would ask Jesus if he had health insurance, and since Jesus didn't have insurance he would be deemed expendable and allowed to die.
Conservatives would call Jesus irresponsible for not having health insurance and would die just as 43,000 Americans are allowed to die every year because they lacked access to health care. Everything a conservative extremist believes is the opposite of what Jesus taught. I find it impossible for a person to be a true Christian and a conservative extremist at the same time. They are exact opposites.
Conservatives went into a frenzy demanding war against Iraq in retaliation for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It didn't matter that Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, had nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden and had nothing to do with Al Qaeda. But conservatives lustfully gutted our treasury funneling a trillion dollars to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis in their fake war against terrorism.
Conservatives have historically always supported spending unlimited amounts of our resources on wars, killing and destruction, but have always been against spending even a dime to help anyone in need. Conservatives would rather spend billions on weapons systems the Pentagon never requested, needed or could even use and would not add one dime's worth of defense to our country, yet be against any government funds being used to save peoples' lives, rebuilding our infrastructure or helping to make our nation a more perfect union through building, rather than destroying. But somehow conservatives cling to their irrational, violent-laden beliefs while condemning those with saner minds who seek to make not only our country's future better, but the world's as well.