why is it that people who come across as intelligent and thoughtful, people who are nature-lovers, people who feel compassion for animals and support shelters, people who are well-educated ....
why did they vote McCain/Palin?
To play a little game of word association, when i hear "Republican" i think: mean, selfish, narrow-minded, uncaring, dishonest. That's the impression i get from the politicians, and the clowns known as tea-partiers -- they are the face of the Republican party.
But the 'regular' people i know who support Republicans are not like that. I like and admire some of them. They're smart. They're honest. They have integrity. They're kind and compassionate. I have a lot in common with them. But politically, we're so different. I just don't understand that.
I'm not a big fan of the Democrats. They've done some good things this past year, but I've expected more. I'm closest to Bernie Sanders in political philosophy. He's a democratic socialist. Oh, that word "socialist" again. I'm starting to wonder if anyone (myself included) actually knows the complex definition of that word. The only reason I'm registered Democrat is so i can vote in their primaries. I'd rather be an independent like Bernie.
There is something about the core of our psychological make-up that attracts some people to "Republican" and others to "Democrat." I suspect, however, when we're all stripped of labels like Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Socialist, etc., and really start talking about the things that are important in our lives, we'll all have more in common than we thought.
Politics is manipulative and divisive. I'm hating it more and more ... :(