MOYERS: --the liberal economist and former Clinton Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich wrote this week that "Obama's health care bill is a very conservative piece of legislation building on a Republican rather than a New Deal foundation." And he's referring to Republican Presidents Nixon and Eisenhower who advocated a market for health care based on private insurers and employers. And that's what Obama is doing.
JOHN NICHOLS: President Obama abandoned the logical progressive responses to a health care crisis at the start. It was never the public option. The public option itself was a compromise. The fact of the matter is Congressman Pete Stark laid out a long time ago--...
...JOHN NICHOLS: Great California Democrat. Who everybody picks on for being a little too tough. Well, he said it very bluntly a long time ago. We've got a great single payer program in America. It's called Medicare. We should open it up to everybody and have a Medicare for All program. If the President had said that from the start, you wouldn't have had anybody at the town meetings saying, "I'm against health care reform, because it might take away my Medicare."