Elizabeth Benjamin March 26, 2010 6:54 PM
Rep. Anthony Weiner responded with scorn to Sarah Palin's assertion that she isn't responsible for encouraging the attacks on Democrats who voted in favor of health care reform, even after her "RELOAD!" Tweet.
"What Sarah Palin doesn't seem to understand is that while it's pretty clear to most people that the - the language about targeting someone and being in the crosshairs was a metaphor to her, to a twisted mind, it really might be the sign that they should go ahead and do something more violent," Weiner told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" today.
"I'm not quite sure she understands the debate is about whether or not these lines have been crossed," the congressman continued. "Because, clearly, when you have people shouting anti-Semitic and racist and homophobic things on the steps of the Capitol, when you have threats going to members of Congress that - that someone...has to take responsibility for this incitement."
"And I think that at least some of it has to go to - to her responsibility."
Weiner, who was outspoken throughout the health care debate, received threatening letters - including one containing white powder that caused the closure of his Queens office. The powder appears to have been antacid.