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GRAYSON Family Gets Death Threats/ He Asks Cantor to Resign!

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kpete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 09:06 AM
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GRAYSON Family Gets Death Threats/ He Asks Cantor to Resign!
Edited on Sat Mar-27-10 09:08 AM by kpete
Grayson's Family Gets Death Threats/ He Asks Cantor to Resign!
by Badabing
Fri Mar 26, 2010 at 10:49:43 PM PDT

During a recent radio interview Congressman Alan Grayson called on House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) to resign because of Cantor’s finger-pointing at Democrats for "fanning the flames of threats."

After and entire summer filled with Right Wing Tea Baggers being incited by the Republican party who has refused to call for civility and decorum in their own party, and what followed last week prior to the final votes on the HCR bill, with several disgraceful incidents of racist and hate filled reactionary activities against Democrats, Congressman Grayson has had enough.

In addition, his own family was threatened in his Washington DC home, when one of his five year old twins picked up the phone to hear a woman screaming that she was going to kill Congressman Grayson.

Below is part of the interview transcript on the Alan Colmes show: Liberland.

Rep. Alan Grayson Calls For Eric Cantor To Resign; Equates Words To "The Burning Of The Reichstag"

Florida Congressman Alan Grayson appeared on radio with me Thursday night and called for the resignation of House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) because of Cantor’s finger-pointing at Democrats for "fanning the flames of threats."

COLMES: I want to talk about what happened with Eric Cantor’s office, and what Eric Cantor said today. It sounds like he’s accusing Democrats of inciting violence.

GRAYSON: Ah yes, I recall that happening, well, what is it now, 80 years ago – the burning of the Reichstag.


COLMES: I was really surprised that Eric Cantor, who is the Minority Whip, says his office was shot at, OK, and then he literally points fingers at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee, saying that they are basically, you know – I want to get his exact words here – fanning the flames, "dangerously fanning the flames."

GRAYSON: I think he should resign.

COLMES: So you are calling for the resignation of Eric Cantor based on that comment.



COLMES: Resign his leadership post, or resign from the Congress entirely?

GRAYSON (sighing): My goodness. I’m not even sure where he should stop.

Grayson also relayed how he received a call at home last week and when his five-year-old answered the phone a woman said she was gong to kill Grayson.

GRAYSON: We had a woman call the house when I was in Washington DC. She called my house in Orlando last week. And my five year old – I have twins actually – one of the five-year-olds hit the speaker button when the phone was ringing. And she said if you vote for this bill, I’m gonna kill you.

COLMES: A woman said that to one of your...

GRAYSON: Yes. And my – my five-year-old went to my wife and said there’s a lady on the phone who says she’s going to kill me.

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chill_wind Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 09:28 AM
Response to Original message
1. We cannot afford to lose this man. Today is the last day of the Money-Bomb.
Edited on Sat Mar-27-10 09:33 AM by chill_wind
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The Backlash Cometh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 09:43 AM
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2. I didn't realize the crap he has to put up with.
Well, I understand what he would have to put up with, but it never occurred to me that he had small children who could be directly affected.

No wonder he has to be cautious.
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Bitwit1234 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 10:38 AM
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3. Why can't the police get these people?
You can not tell me that with all the sophisticated electronic monitoring, we can't trace these people down. If someone threatened me, I would go to the limit. And if bush and his thugs could wiretap our phones where are the secret service now. After all threatening a US representative is terrorism.

And Michele Bachmann is the one who started this. She told people to go into the Halls of the House of Representatives and get in the representatives face. What is that..DAMN STRAIGHT IT IS TERRORISM. LOCK HER UP.
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sixmile Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 12:41 PM
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4. Kicked for a great man
On the I-4 corridor, no less!
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