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The pet wingnut demanded I provide specifics of LIMBOsevic's inciting to violence, and my reply

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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 10:35 AM
Original message
The pet wingnut demanded I provide specifics of LIMBOsevic's inciting to violence, and my reply
Re, your: "Can you give me an example of what constitutes, what he has said, that is an incitement to violence? Also, I think the backers of the Dem Party and the healthcare stuff underestimate the anger felt by people who fell, legitimately in my view, that the legislation is too intrusive into the lives of people, too far-reaching, so far-reaching as to be an unconstitutional intrusion into one's life. The federal government has become a leviathan, all for the best reasons, of course. But, what constitute incitement to violence?"

Come on, (name), both you and LIMBOsevic are too smart for the got-cha ploy of "give example of inciting to violence." As you know, I have heard him from Day 1 on your erstwhile radio station and wrote letters within days complaining about him. I am pretty well "up" on his mastery of rhetorical propaganda techniques. I have written the same paragraph describing his methods many times for other people and we don't have time for my doing it here for now.

The bottom line is his "hiding his hand that throws the rock." Remember the ebb of the Conservative movement when he started, how the Birch Society was its face and was therefore FRINGE and for NUTCASES. LIMBOsevic, from the beginning, consciously screened out FRINGE callers and CONSCIOUSLY set out to rehabilitate the image of "outsiders" and re-cast them as "mainstream, normal, just-folks," and started by re-making "old" into "young" with the JARRING alternative rock music. But beyond all the many little gimmicks ("process") I don't have time to get into here, his bottom line was SCORCHED EARTH---no middle ground, no civility towards your "enemies," Manicheanism (black-white). I have heard him gently steer his less sophisticated callers away from being too "open" in their racism or other submerged values.

You ask for SPECIFIC examples of inciting. He's too smart for that. And you are of the decent "useful tool" variety of justifier. It's like the official Minutemen publically disowning OPEN racism and violence, while the WINK-WINK is that their true believers are Skinheads, resigned to sitting on the sidelines, biding their time.

It's the SCORCHED EARTH of Limbosevic. Nobody else (and now BecKKK) has so singlehandedly created TOTAL DIVISION, now a generation's worth in time. You might say that true conviction means NO COMPROMISING, as in GOLDWATER's "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice." It's the atmosphere, (name), all going back to the chip on the shoulder of being looked-down upon from the 1940s through the 1960s. Ever wonder why LIMBOsevic is always attacking the Boomer generation, of which he is a member?

For a more civilized answer, see this little article by David FRUM's wife, below, although I completely disagree with her positive comments about RAYGUN and her attributing "thuggish demagoguery" to "the old socialist left":


Put Down Your Pitchforks, People

Danielle Crittenden

.... We have both been part of the conservative movement for, as mentioned, the better part of half of our lives. And I can categorically state I've never seen such a hostile environment towards free thought and debate -- once the hallmarks of Reaganism, the politics with which we grew up -- prevail in our movement as it does today. The thuggish demagoguery of the Limbaughs and Becks is a trait we once derided in the old socialist Left. Well boys, take a look in the mirror. It is us now. ....

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mwb970 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 10:52 AM
Response to Original message
1. You have the facts on your side.
Edited on Sat Mar-27-10 10:55 AM by mwb970
I'm not sure if that matters, though.

BTW, just FYI, "erstwhile" means "former", not "worthy" as you seem to be satirically using it. (Or is it their former radio station?)
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 01:39 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I used "erstwhile" because his family used to own the station. What brought "worthy" to YOUR mind?
Edited on Sat Mar-27-10 01:48 PM by UTUSN
There was zero satire--or did you mean "sarcasm"?!1-- in it. And if having facts on one's side don't matter, whatever is the point of discussing ANYTHING---either me with him or any of us with any of us here or actually with anybody at all?!1

Ain't condescension GRAND?!1

That said, since I'm effectively kicking my own thread ("effectively" being used in ITS proper connotation), I might as well add a general comment:

This fellow slides in the cannard that this Teabagger and general wingnut "anger" is something NEW, that it comes from the policies of this year & 2 mos' Administration, whereas, just days ago the President, EMANUEL, REID, PELOSI, and everybody else in the Administration were being raked for being inept, do-nothing, DLC, the abominable "Centrist" ---and THAT was just HERE, not to mention what the Teabaggers were saying. The falsity being slid (I choose to play with language in addition to using words precisely) by is that the anger/violence is NEW, while Wingnut Anger/Violence has been OUT THERE for a long time, and, I submit, even is a CORE VALUE, along with racisim, of Wingnuttiness.
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