Edited on Sat Mar-27-10 11:00 AM by Gman2
They rail against us, and issue veiled threats of bloody revolution. We are supposed to quake in our beds. They brag about all the ammo they have horded, and their prodigious survival skills. They chide soft Dems, and how they will really pay with their lives, if they dont stop immediately acting as the majority.
Enter reality. Most of those on the threat issuing right, are open carry gun nuts. They want to open carry into the most dangerous of places, known to harbor characters so fierce, that even so armed, they feel somewhat vulnerable. Even knowing that the vile persons are known NOT to be armed. They warn us how treacherous they are. They even ask to be allowed to sit, with their front to the door. I am shocked, SHOCKED that Starbucks doesnt issue a lawsuit for defamation of character, or at least all of us latte sipping, biscotti nibbling types should class action.
Those who want open carry, are cowards. I have debated many of them, and they do so, as they are not willing to risk bodily harm, or possible death, from a street altercation. There is some validation for that fear, as I would beat down any that threatened me, gun or no. Those that fear us, do so as they realize that the school of hard knocks, serves well as gladiatorial training. Being out of the entitled class, scrapping for every bite, makes us not only hungry, but hard as a nail. And just as sharp.
We should show our resolve, every time we hear the poor or ill maligned. When women, or minorities are slandered. We have the moral authority, and the guts. Look how the right still hides under its bed, when the two black panther uniformed guys were way outside the polling place. Lets give them something REAL to fear. Their crooked, hating asses getting public humiliation every time they spew. And if they react violently, we got that covered as well.
Bullies are weak, and scared about their small egos being discovered. Back their asses up, and they will fold. Dare them to pull our wings off. Laugh at their threats of pouring salt on us. Invite them to try stuffing that firecracker up our orifice. Stupid white, elderly, fat, marshmellows, that have cushy lives, compared to the working class, are no match for our ferocity. Do not let incivility take further hold. It's time to listen to Bill Bennett. We need stigma, to help those lacking a conscience, to do right. Not for their better selves, but so they dont suffer a boot in their ass.
Lets Roll