Recently, I discussed the issue of banished veterans -- foreign nationals who serve in our armed forces with a pledge of getting U.S. citizenship, end up getting into legal trouble, and instead of remaining in the U.S., they are sent to other countries. This can and has happened with people who were brought to the U.S. as young children and have no memory of the lands where they were born. For some background information and stories from individual veterans, visit">Banished Veterans. So, once again, promises made to veterans are not being kept.
There will be some more discussion on this topic on air this weekend. At 7 PM Eastern, Hector Barajas of Banished will be on the air during Coffee with Sarge at
WXBH 92.7 FM in Louisville and
The Jeff Farias Show. Herb "Sarge" Phelps is a Vietnam-era veteran, and a DU member. There will also be some discussion of the banished vetrans issue at 9 PM EST on
The David Link Show on
WXBH 92.7 FM in Louisville and
The Jeff Farias Show (David's site also has podcasts of previous shows talking about the issue from the past month or so.)