http://gawker.com/5503550/scientologys-brutal-sweatshops-revealedScientology's Brutal Sweatshops Revealed
Ever wonder how Scientology produces all those crappy pamphlets and all that L Ron Hubbard literature? A lawsuit by two former elite members alleges the 'church' runs sweatshops, where workers are designated as religious devotees to avoid labor laws.
The Associated Press report that Marc Headley and his wife Claire seek back pay and overtime that could come to $1m each for gruelling hours spent producing Scientology crap like books e-meters and DVDs for a pittance. They signed a billion year pledge and vowed not to have children. Claire claims she was even made to have an abortion.
"These folks are working for a year or two or three in a row on an hour or two of sleep a night," the couple's attorney Barry Van Sickle said. "They're zombies. If people had some money in their pockets or a good night's sleep, they probably wouldn't stick around."
Creepy Scientology spokesperson Tommy Davis, as is his habit, was outraged and denied the allegations vehemently. "We're kind of sick of people who think that they can do this with us, people who used to work here, who can leave, who are lying - and we know they're lying. It's a pretty nice place to live and work, and we feel that way."
It's weird how many 'liars' come out of Scientology saying very similar bad stuff about the 'church'. Maybe they all collude?
Send an email to Ravi Somaiya, the author of this post, at ravi@gawker.com.
http://tv.gawker.com/5503517/bill-maher-to-democrats-be-more-like-tigerBill Maher to Democrats: Be More Like Tiger
.... ...That's what they should be saying to the Republicans: "Shut the fuck up while I slap your face for making noise! Now pass the cap-and-trade law, you stupid bitch, and repeat after me, ‘global warming is real.'" (applause)
The Democrats need to push the rest of their agenda while their boot is on the neck of the greedy, poisonous old reptile. Who cares if cap-and-trade bill isn't popular, neither was health care. Your poll numbers may have descended a bit, but so did your testicles.
So don't stop. We need to regulate the banks, we need to overhaul immigration, we need to end corporate welfare including at the Pentagon, we need to bring troops home from everywhere, we need to end the drug war, and we need to put terrorists and other human rights violators on trial in civilian courts — starting with Dick Cheney. (applause)
Democrats, in conclusion, Democrats in America were put on earth to do one thing: Drag the ignorant hillbilly half of this country into the next century, which in their case is the 19th. And by passing health care, the Democrats saved their brand.
A few months ago, Sarah Palin mockingly asked them: "How's that ‘hopey-changey' thing working for you?" Great, actually, thanks for asking. And how's that whole ‘Hooked on Phonics' thing working out for you? (laughter)
Send an email to Matt Cherette, the author of this post, at matt@gawker.tv.