My apologies if this has been posted before but if so, I didn't see it. I hadn't heard about the new limitations on FSAs until a friend told me about it today. A quick google search turned up the following;
Taxpayers who contribute to flexible spending accounts or health savings accounts:
• Beginning in 2011, only prescribed drugs and insulin will be reimbursable through flexible spending accounts or health savings accounts. As a result, over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin or medical-related items such as bandages will no longer be qualified expenses for HSA or FSA purposes.
• Beginning in 2013, the annual contribution to a flexible spending account is limited to $2,500. The current limit is $5,000.
• The penalty for non-qualified distributions from health savings accounts increases from 10% to 20% in 2011., for those that have plans with high deductibles, they will only be able to put $2,500 into an FSA to pay for that deductible. Same goes for those that have, say, some major dental work planned that they were going to pay for by putting money into an FSA. Also, some meds, like Claritin for example, used to be prescription but have been available OTC in recent years. If Claritin is what works for a patient, why not let them pay for it out of their FSA? Are they trying to get people to switch from OTC to prescription meds with this new rule?
Since I was unfamiliar with the changes to FSAs and HSAs, if anyone has any insight as to why they included these changes in the HCR bill, please feel free to post up.