The desire to NOT want to learn.
The fear of thought.
The fear of ideas.
Perhaps it's due to modern technology but, imo, never before in America have so many people (well, the
29%ers" anyway) eschewed the strive to educate themselves. Never before have so many just shut off their brains and blindly followed the faux news they see and hear in quick soundbites.
And now that willful ignorance is manifesting itself in a violent manner as we read of multiple offices of Congress members vandalized, gas lines of the homes of politicians' families are being cut, death threats issued to members of Congress, assassination threats made to the President.
Over what? A healthcare bill the Republicans would have voted for if *they* were the ones that thought it up? It's virtually identical to "Romneycare" instituted in Massachusetts by then Republican Governor Mitt Romney and includes a mandate of insurance that was first brought about by Republican President Richard Nixon and further supported as recently as 2008 by Republican Senator John McCain.
The Terrorist Party members are holding a rally in Searchlight, NV today with The Twit being their headline speaker, you betcha! That at least 1/4 of Americans find The Twit to be intellectually capable of holding the office of President of the United States of America is another damning indictment as to the state of this nation and how willful ignorance is running rampant.
Think I'm blowing smoke as to how ignorant these Terrorist Party members are? Check out this poll: to see one of them up close and personal? Prepare yourself for rampant ignorance and hatred: of them don't realize that Medicare, Social Security, even the Veterans Administration are social programs. Most of them even want government intervention to create more jobs yet they bitch and moan that the government is too big already and that people should be responsible for themselves? It's like some mutant form of Ayn Randian (lack of) thought.
They're angry. And rightfully so. But they're angry for the wrong reasons and at the wrong people. The very party that's led this nation to the brink of complete financial disaster with 30 years of Reaganomics continues to embrace and condone these domestic terrorists that spawned the likes of Timothy McVeigh.
If they want civil war, they'd best listen to this Marine first:'s going to take a long time for this country to recover from the damage the conservatives have wreaked for the last 3 decades. I hope at least a few of these willfully ignorant finally wake up and start thinking for themselves and realize their idols are really the devil.
And from the You Can't Make This Shit Up Department:
Terrorist Party member on the government roll"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."