Sometimes they have limericks or haiku. No luck this week, though. a.m. The slithy tove business is equally good in Valley West, where one man left his iPod and wallet containing $250 in cash as well as credit cards in his car overnight. His courtesy in leaving the car unlocked for the doorhandle-tryer wasn’t returned, as the passive-aggressive slithy tove rudely left the car door open after reaping the goods within.
11:26 p.m. A man called APD asking why his phone had been disconnected. He was advised that he was in fact on the phone at the time, and police don’t have any information on his phone account anyway. He apologized and said he was going to call the phone company.
11:31 p.m. The man called again about his broken phone.
11:43 p.m. After more calls, police visited the man’s mobile home. He was advised that he’d probably have more success dealing with the phone problem after he sobered up.
12:30 p.m. A vehicle on Alliance Road was broken into and things that didn’t exist until recently were stolen – an MP3 player and GPS unit.
2:20 p.m. More cat poop throwage on Beverly Drive, where someone has a big issue with other people’s pets.
10:30 p.m. A tove committing a vehicle ransack in Ribeiro Court wasn’t slithy enough to elude detection by a resident, and the chase was on. Dropping a wallet in the street as he fled, the thief was pursued by police through an adjacent field, past the hospital and west onto the Bottoms, where he slipped into darkness.
11:17 p.m. A sub-sub-sub genius made it his business to bellow a very upsetting racial epithet on 12th Street between H and K streets.