The GI's weapon of choice in Iraq: dollars ()
Last year commanders had $1.2 billion of cash at their disposal – funds to buy soccer balls, to hire locals, or to fix hospital roofs, often carried in bags by a soldier designated as the "money man." The Defense Department program, long the envy of many a diplomat, is seen as an effective tool in a counterinsurgency environment, giving commanders the authority to spend money in the local economy to quickly make a difference.
Gen. David Petraeus, head of US Central Command, calls these purses “the most important authority.” But the funds, known as the Commander’s Emergency Response Program, or CERP, often flow like water and with little oversight.
Congress has had its eye on the program for years and, though aware of the need to give commanders flexibility, has been unable to determine how well the money was being spent. Now, as lawmakers mull over the current defense budget – $708 billion plus an additional $33 billion war funding request – Congress is getting interested again.|+USA%29&utm_content=Twitter
golly, they're "interested". how nice.