To pay a bunch of fines to support it is a waste of time. The few that actually follow the law are rare. Most of them operate on prejudice and "guilty until proven innocent" especially for the poor.
In the juvenile justice system I have been investigating, you would be shocked. They are harvesting children from poor families for adoption. There is literally 1000% more being spent to take little kids than to give services to their families, many of them in desperate need.
I was in DC recently and found out from my legislature (who is chairperson of the Ways and Means Committee's TANF funding, Jim McDermott)the CPS and court system is so greedy, that the bottomless pit they have of Title IV-E and B entitlement money is not enough. They also go in and take about 1/3 of the TANF (welfare) monies from desperately poor mothers (most who are working for a wage) to fund themselves, their courts and CPS as well.
In the contingent I was with, one group from GA produced an internal document from the DSHS agency that urges SW to tell poor families to just give up their kids. If that does not work, they find something to accuse and just go in and take them. This is not just GA, in my state, WA it is much the same.
Again the more kids taken, the more funding gotten and the "Adoption and Foster Care Industrial Complex" remains well oiled with all the guns and money.
The last issue I struggled with in DC was around, "Well perhaps these kids are better off in upper income households ..." But the statistics say no. Kids do better if they remain in their homes and the family gets services (help with housing, food assistance, medical, etc). Jerking them out the homes they know causes huge trauma that reminas with them for the rest of their lives.
When a parent or relative is accused of child abuse, they literally have to defend themselves because they end up facing every single person, even their defense lawyer, who depends on this funding. And this funding is given based on
how many kids are taken, not on how many families are preserved. So it is more lucrative to take kids than to help the families.
Oh. and btw, if relative caregivers who are not the parents (grandparents, aunts, etc) are accused of abuse whether true or not, the accusers do not have to back up their allegations legally, they can just make them. If the caregiver is poor and cannot defend themselves, this remains on their records for the rest of their life. They also do not have a right to legal defense, they have to pay for it or do it themselves against a myriad of attorneys State officials who have all the guns.
The legal defense in this country is gone. You truly ARE guilty until proven innocent" even if you are innocent.
I am *not* making any of this up. When you hear U.S. Representatives and your own state legislators admit that 1000% of the funding is going to shore up CPS and the courts to destroy families, and only 1% of it is going to help families, it hits you like a brick, "This is freaking WRONG!"
The court system is broken all across this country. My own criteria with researching the juvenile system and court judgments came from the old saying, "...follow the money ..."
My 2 cents
Cat In Seattle
P.S. I have lots of links to prove this stuff, I do not have time to post them here, but if anyone wants them, PM me and I will send them to you. There is one Progressive group in DC I have come to trust as their agenda is about real reform, and they are wonks with some real numbers: National Coalition for Child Protection Reform: I have also been writing about this over at Daily Kos and Firedog Lake.