I have a few thoughts on the petulant les enfant-types that have learned one word, "no" and continue to use is with as much regularity as a prune laden child needing potty breaks.
The (R)'s cry that they had been shut out of the HCR debate and input. Subsequent news articles clearly prove otherwise, Romney's Massachusetts state plan is clearly a basic platform, yet they still all voted "no" en-masse (sheeple-like if you will) against the bill and THEN made a fuss about non-partisan support. Boy they sure proved their point, huh?
The (R)'s attempt to shut down important committee meetings... meetings canceled, McCain clearly issued the notice that he is no longer in the game and he WILL have everything come to a screeching halt. It's been in the news, easy to look up. So what do progressives do? Find another way to keep government moving.
The (R)'s hold up several dozens of Obama's nominations for weeks, and in some cases for almost 7 months. In fact, here are some details, "President Obama currently has a total of 217 nominees pending before the Senate. These nominees have been pending for an average of 101 days, including 34 nominees pending for more than 6 months."
(R)'s continuing to attempt shut down the gov't workings is pathetic, and clearly not in the best interest of the nation. It's what they are trying to do to stop Obama. And this is that part I don't readily understand, the (R)'s trying to stop Obama against the will of the people. This all in a effort to damage one man. How about allowing for the governance of the people?...for what a majority of the people voted for!
At whitehouse.gov the President said it best, “The United States Senate has the responsibility to approve or disapprove of my nominees. But if, in the interest of scoring political points, Republicans in the Senate refuse to exercise that responsibility, I must act in the interest of the American people and exercise my authority to fill these positions on an interim basis,” said President Barack Obama. “Most of the men and women whose appointments I am announcing today were approved by Senate committees months ago, yet still await a vote of the Senate. At a time of economic emergency, two top appointees to the Department of Treasury have been held up for nearly six months. I simply cannot allow partisan politics to stand in the way of the basic functioning of government.”
The (R)'s cry when 15 are nominated during recess breaks. Again calling this some conspiratorial communist or socialist act (apparently they have no idea which label they want to attach since it's very apparent most of them don't know the difference). Know what else is easy to look up? The number of nominations the Dems held up under Bush and for what period of time. Know what else is easy to look up? The number of recess appointments under Bush...how does 170 to Obama's 15 (to date) look now? Frankly he may have to surpass Bush's numbers if bipartisan cooperation doesn't change....and as far as I am concerned, so be it!
McCain said this during one of Bush's 2005 recess nominations, "I would support it. It's the president's prerogative." In contrast, his outrage at what Obama drips with hatred ""once again" that the Obama administration has "little respect for the time honored constitutional roles and procedures of Congress." The president's team had "forced their will on the American people," McCain fumed in a written statement." What a belligerent little snake he's turning out to be!
Gawd, give it up already. Stop being petulant, stop trying to obstruct the governance of the country. You cannot stop this train with those tactics.
You know what I think this is all coming down to? Relevance. The Republicans are feeling increasingly irrelevant and have no idea haw to stop that downward spiral. Screeching with the force of a F5 tornado, doesn't make you relevant. It just hurts people's ears and they hunker down and put their fingers in their ears to block it out.
Here's how you can be relevant: Take up the invitation to participate and debate issues with facts and within the realm of reality. Come to the table with a philosophy far different than the one currently being used.
Seriously, how much longer do the (R)'s expect to be taken seriously while on this tack, when in this day and age it's not really that hard to look things up and see 1st hand the hypocrisy behind the manufactured poutage, and see the relevance of what they are trying to achieve.