Mike Lackomar, of Michiganmilitia.com, said both The Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia and the Michiganmilitia.com are not involved in the investigation and have not been contacted by federal authorities.
Lackomar said he heard from other militia members that the FBI targeted the Hutaree after its members made threats of violence against Islamic organizations.
"Last night and into today the FBI conducted a raid against homes belonging to the Hutaree. They are a religious cult. They are not part of our militia community," he said.
Lackomar said he was told there were five arrests Saturday and another five early Sunday. The FBI declined to comment.
One of the Hutaree members called the Michigan militia for assistance Saturday after federal agents had already began their raid, Lackomar said, but the militia member -- who was of Islamic decent and had heard about the threats -- declined to offer help.
News article at the link:
Last Updated: March 28. 2010 3:46PM
Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia groupJennifer Chambers / The Detroit News