Current FEDERAL drug forfeiture laws empower the government to seize all property, bank accounts, automobiles, and essentially all possession of anyone who is caught dealing even a small quantity of drugs.
So why aren't there equivalent laws to strip away all the possessions of white collar criminals like Mark Sanford, Bernard Madoff, Ken Lay and thousands of other white collar criminals just like them?
"We the People" need to FORCE our government to pass forfeiture laws to strip away every dime from any white collar criminal who steals more than $100,000. If a person of average means steals even a small possession they can end up in prison. I even heard of a California man who stole a candy bar, and because it was his '3rd strike' he was given life in prison. There are definitely two sets of laws, one for the rich, and the other for the poor.
If a white collared criminal is guilty of stealing millions then we should be able to seize their mansions, fleets of luxury cars, yatchs, jewelry, bank accounts (in the US and offshore), stocks, bonds, even their family dog. And take EVERYTHING from their corrupt families too! If their families are in on the crime, put them in prison for life too. And if somehow one of these criminals gets out of prison, mandate by law that they can never amass more than $20,000 in a year for the rest of their lives. Currently, white collared criminals usually get token sentences in country club prisons, and then when they are released they simply get all of the money they stole out of their oversees bank accounts.
I am never for excess government intervention, but I am always for equality. I believe even the rich should have to abide by the laws and since they have gifts, abilities and intelligence to know better, they should be forced to submit to a tougher set of penalties.
Call your representative TODAY! Their number is 800-828-0498. Call NOW! Demand this legislation now. This country is the people's country. It was built on the backs of the poor and middle classes. The poor and people with average means have shed a disproportionate amount of blood defending this country. But while the contributions of the poor and middle class have been great, the biggest rewards go to a miniscule segment of our population who are the most greedy, selfish and who tend to be sociopaths.