The excellent TBogg says:
On April fifteenth, hundreds of thousands of Sedentary-Americans are set to
not-march on Washington DC in order to protest the unfair taxation that was recently enacted and then shoved down their throats by that colored fellow in the White House:
And, outside of a massive turnout of voters voting for change, what sends a more compelling message to the fat cats in Washington that people are mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore (and “by not take it anymore”, they mean that they will pick out an awesome
Button Gwinnett or a unrepresentative slim small-busted woman avatar to express their online disgust) than joining an online movement? Nothing, that’s what.
How easy is it to join this
Great American Movement without actually having to move from your couch where you spend your days masturbating to feisty spitfire Megyn Kelly on Fox when you’re not shoveling fistfuls of peanut butter pretzels into your gaping maw with your sausage-like fingers? Well, it’s as easy as typing your name and email address into some boxes, pausing to catch your breath from the exertion, and then hitting ’send‘. Just like the Founding Fathers did… but with computers! as well as those avatars, the 'team' names have to be seen to be believed (the drop-down list in step 3 - don't worry, you can see it without filling anything in). One of them is even 'Wolverines'! :rofl: