Over 15,000 of us participated in our CongressmanWithGuts.com moneybomb. We have raised almost half a million dollars.
And not one penny of that is from lobbyists, or favor-seekers. It's 100% People Power.
Some of you gave because Sarah Palin came to my district a week ago, and ordered her robot army to take me out. Like she was shooting a moose from a helicopter.
Some of you gave because great leaders with a conscience - Howard Dean, Michael Moore, Dennis Kucinich, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Anthony Weiner, among others - asked you to.Some of you gave because you know that I introduced, you supported, and we passed a bill to end Wall Street bonuses paid with taxpayer money.
Or because I teamed up with Congressman Ron Paul - and you - to get his 26-year-old bill to audit the Federal Reserve passed.
Or because I'm pushing hard for "Medicare You Can Buy Into," and because over 50,000 of you have joined me. Or because I introduced a mandatory foreclosure mediation program in Orlando that already has gone statewide. Or because I recognized that the Republicans' health care plan is "don't get sick."
Some of you gave because you can imagine an America where we don't tout the fact that we are #1 in military expenditures, or #1 in foreign countries occupied, but rather that we can become #1 in health, in education, in quality of life, and in happiness.
Whatever your reason, thank you. I'm the first Democrat to represent my district in 34 years. The Executive Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee said that I'm the Republicans' #1 target in 2010. I asked for your help, and 15,000 of us came through for me.
And came through for us. For people with a conscience.CongressmanWithGuts.com.
We did it!