This will be short. Let's look only at the (d)evolution of the Republican Party, namely in their Presidental Candidates since 1950.
1952 - 1956: Eisenhower. Was moderately progressive, pacificistic, humanitarian. . .bad race relations. A decent president for the time. Out of 10, he would be about a 6, but would be drummed out of the Party quickly if he were alive today. Reasonably asute man. The number of accomplishments under him are numerous, but the most important was the appointment of Earl Warren
1960; 1968; 1972: Nixon: Even Eisenhower hated him. . .had his good point or two at this point of his career. Knew the political game and if TV were not invented, he would have become president as he destroyed Kennedy on substance, but Kennedy won on style. 4 out of 10. Reasonably asute man, even when he was a complete corrupt with poer asshat that resigned. Reopened communication with the PRC.
1964: Goldwater: "Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is not Vice." Sums up this sub-human mouth breather. Got wise to what his movement became at the end of his life, but in 1964, was about as low and conservative as could get without nomimating Francisco Franco. 1 out of 10.
1976: Ford: Ugh. . .only good things was nomiating John Paul Stevens. 2 out of 10.
1980; 1984: Saint Ronald of Ray-gun: And now we start out decline into devolution rapidly. 1 out of 10. Major accomplishment: 1986 tax cuts that have my tax accountant father a full time job (but that's only because of self-interest), Over 200 people were fired, resigned, arrested, indicted or convicted of breaking the law or violating the ethics code. His AG was investigated four time.
1988; 1992: Bush the Senior: Major accomplishment. Got alot of Kurds and Iraqis slaughtered when he pulled out of Iraq and left them high and dry. 1 out of 10.
1996: Dole: Sacrifical lamb. "plain and honest" bullcrap artist. 1 out of 10.
2000; 2004: Bush the Lesser: Just when you think you can't get anything worse than the last three, the GOP surprises you. Bankrupted the country, embarrassed the people and has more blood on his hands than any one President in history. -10 out of 10.
2008: McCain: Can't we forget him already. -5 out of 10.
Looking at the field, here are the five major GOP candidates for 2012, from most appealing (if that is possible) to vomit enducing:
Paul: A stopped clock is correct twice a day. Mittens: The stereotypical political flag. Huckabee: Courage of convictions, even if those convictions will doom America. Gingrich: Time is waiting for his next death-bed divorce Gigot: Proof the GOP truly markets itself to the lowest common denominator.
After view this gaggle of losers, I will make prediction for 2016's candidates.
Insane wino on the corner Lump of dog shit Dead driftwood Potted Fern Speed Bump Dan Quayle (which is really all five wrapped in one)
The American EX-Pat