Perhaps your ad will net you a "bargain" employee.....but you must keep in mind, that someday the economy is going to get better....and you will lose your "bargain" employee. Yes, the economy sucks but it doesn't mean the unemployed are willing to work for "suckie wages". We want to be valued...for our experience, for our expertise, our tenure, our knowledge, our education!!! Having to take a job for a pittance may get you a valuable employee but deep down you can believe they're seething with resentment!!! Of course your new employee will smile smile smile at every change, every insult, every rude comment....and the ultimate insult; "you won't find a better paying job" will just make it worse. For example; to pay a full charge bookkeeper $15/hr is an insult. Ditto for a non-degreed financial position offering under $17/hr. Keep in mind; these individuals pay your bills, process your payroll and create your P&L statements (which they can READ as well as you can). Please think what YOU'D want to be paid should YOU be applying for the position! Yes jobs are slim to none - but advertise a fair wage and you will be inundated with qualified individuals with excellent resumes. And of those called to interview - i guarantee 100% will present themselves for the interview! I will be one of them. notice a lot of employers are using this great (sic) economy as a means of reducing wages. Americans are truly being "nickeled and dimed".