Edited on Mon Mar-29-10 06:38 AM by Are_grits_groceries
In the last year or two, I have heard a lot of proclamations and beliefs from different people who profess to be Christians. I was churched properly in the South so I have more than a glancing acquaintance with the Good Book as it is known by some. I changed my notion of the Good Book a long time ago. I think of anything written by Barbara Kingsolver now.
I digress. I have had to haul out my brazillion year old copy to look for a lot of things. I have yet to find the chapters or verses about stray cats or pipe bombs. I also don't see where Gawd has outsourced the "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse" to Blackwater or Hutaree. Blackwater does cause a lot of war, famine and death while abetting conquest though. I just don't think they are up to the scale that is supposed to be unleashed. I also have questions about whether Humvees are horses.
I also don't think Gawd has lent you his calendar of events. The Bible says: Mark 13:32 "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. I think that you were mightily upset when Barack Obama was elected President of the US. You seem to have substituted what you think classifies for a sign of the endtimes with what Gawd may think. Gawd didn't bring down the heavens after November 4, 2008, and you were pissed as shit. I think you have decided Gawd needs some help so you want to start the whole shebang. I don't think it works that way.
I don't know what you believe. It isn't close to anything I heard growing up. It doesn't have anything to do with the Jesus I heard about. Glen Beck maybe, but not Jesus. If you think Beck is Jesus or his voice on Earth, UP YOUR MEDS.
I don't believe what others believe and I think it's personal. If there is a Gawd, he will certainly sort it out when the time comes. If not, then it could be a branch of quantum physics.
I wasn't concerned with your religion until you decided it HAD to be mine. Now it is my business and I am watching you along with a whole lot of other people. I have always paid attention, and now you are swarming like fire ants full of hate and venom. Here's a clue for you. People don't like fire ants so don't be surprised if you roll out the troops and look back to find just people with mispelled signs who are overweight and can't keep up. I'm sure there are some capable people, but don't count on them to carry you.
In the meantime, I think you ought to sit down under a tree and color in your Good Books and ponder what the real meaning might be. I think you are so frazzled and afraid that you have forgotten a lot of things. Even Jesus went into the wilderness to wrestle with the Satan.
I do want to TALK to you. I grew up with a lot of you and are related to a lot of you. I can't hear you when you scream and wave signs at me. My hearing is geared to softer voices. I'll be here watching and waiting. I hope you show up to TALK.
The Church of Grits and Shrimp is open 24/7. All are welcome. The Golden Rule is the only law. Try to do the kindest thing possible at all times. Good eating is mandatory.