He can try (or HHS can try) but this can only succeed when the language of the law is ambiguous. And this one is not. There are plenty of court cases knocking down regulators who have tried to do this sort of thing. They always back down in enforcement when its contrary to the language of the law, because they lose. I've done it myself. You never even get to court.
I'm not writing this to score a point off you or to upset anyone. I'm trying to let people know that they have to contact Congress to get this changed. I believe President Obama would change it if he could, but it will not survive a court challenge. And let's face it, insurers have plenty of lawyers.
Here's the language in the bill moving up implementation for children:
(e) Section 1253 of this Act is amended insert before
15 the period the following: ‘‘, except that—
16 ‘‘(1) section 1251 shall take effect on the date of
17 enactment of this Act; and
18 ‘‘(2) the provisions of section 2704 of the Public
19 Health Service Act (as amended by section 1201), as
20 they apply to enrollees who are under 19 years of age,
21 shall become effective for plan years beginning on or
22 after the date that is 6 months after the date of enact
23 ment of this Act.’’.
Now here's section 2704:
1 (1) in section 2704 (42 U.S.C. 300gg), as so re
2 designated by section 1201(2)—
3 (A) in subsection (c)—
4 (i) in paragraph (2), by striking
5 ‘‘group health plan’’ each place that such
6 term appears and inserting ‘‘group or indi7
vidual health plan’’; and
8 (ii) in paragraph (3)—
9 (I) by striking ‘‘group health in
10 surance’’ each place that such term ap
11 pears and inserting ‘‘group or indi
12 vidual health insurance’’; and
13 (II) in subparagraph (D), by
14 striking ‘‘small or large’’ and inserting
15 ‘‘individual or group’’;
16 (B) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘group
17 health insurance’’ each place that such term ap18
pears and inserting ‘‘group or individual health
19 insurance’’; and
20 (C) in subsection (e)(1)(A), by striking
21 ‘‘group health insurance’’ and inserting ‘‘group
22 or individual health insurance’’;
23 (2) by striking the second heading for subpart 2
24 of part A (relating to other requirements);
So section 2704 modifies 42 USC 300gg. Here's a link to that:
http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/42/usc_sec_42_00000300--gg000-.htmlAnd here's the title:
§ 300gg. Increased portability through limitation on preexisting condition exclusions
(a) Limitation on preexisting condition exclusion period; crediting for periods of previous coverage
Okay, it is not until you get to 300gg-11 that we get to enrollment provisions, and that's in subpart 3:
http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/42/usc_sec_42_00000300--gg011-.html§ 300gg–11. Guaranteed availability of coverage for employers in group market
The bill does modify this section, but it does it in another place - in section 2731
1 (8) in section 2731 (42 U.S.C. 300gg–11), as so
2 redesignated by section 1001(3)—
3 (A) by striking the section heading and all
4 that follows through subsection (b);
So, the net result is that it is completely clear that the September implementation date only applies to exclusions in coverage and not guaranteed coverage.