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I Don't Want MY Tax Dollars Used To Sue Over Health Care Reform

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FarLeftFist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-10 11:37 AM
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I Don't Want MY Tax Dollars Used To Sue Over Health Care Reform
USMC Veteran


Sound familiar?

When do we get to decide what our tax dollars are spent on. If pro life supporters get to make that demand of abortion shouldn't I get to make that same demand here? If one small group of Americans can mandate that no federal funds be used to fund their cause celebre can't I state MY claim here on this issue?

At a time when state governments are running historic deficits, how can they justify the expenditure of a lengthy court fight on this issue, a issue that was settled at the ballot box with a Democratic win of historic proportions.

I think Governors should follow the Bunning rule, those expenditures must be offset with equal spending cuts or raise taxes to pay for any suits brought by states with a deficit. Since most states are REQUIRED by their state constitutions to balance state budgets it would seem impossible for states that are already in the red to move forward without raising taxes or cutting spending.

Are states willing to go before the voters and say we don't have the money to operate schools or begin laying off police, fire fighters or state workers but we had the money to sue the federal government over health care reform? Does this really make sense?

As I said earlier, I don't want my tax dollars going to law suits, I want my health care reform...I want the same consideration that politicians give to the anti-abortion crowd because access to quality health care is a life and death issue too.
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FBaggins Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-10 11:57 AM
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1. A couple problems you'll run in to.
One political, the other structural.

1) Political - This is a fine idea assuming that you can get a solid block of voters to agree with you and make their voices known. The problem is that in most states where that is likely, the state probably isn't going to challenge HCR in court. You can "make the demand" - but it won't be as easy to sell as an issue as divisive as abortion.

2) - Structural/constitutional - You would have a tought time justifying a federal law that states that the states can't appeal the constitutionality of that same law. I suppose that you could try to remove the courts' jurisdiction to hear such cases, but that probably wouldn't work (and would be politically damaging to try).

Are states willing to go before the voters and say we don't have the money to operate schools or begin laying off police, fire fighters or state workers but we had the money to sue the federal government over health care reform? Does this really make sense?

Only if they think that the law is unconstitutional. Particularly if they think it places an overlarge burden on them financially. And there's the rub. If they honestly think this, then they have an obligation to sue (and thus spend state funds). If they're just looking for a way to beat HCR, then they're wasting state funds unreasonably.
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ixion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-10 12:02 PM
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2. And I don't like mine going to the MIC or being used to kill people overseas
so what's your point?
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Bitwit1234 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-10 01:12 PM
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3. Well stands to reason YOU can SUE the politic ans for using
your tax money for frivolous laws suits. Start doing what they do. If I lived in one of those states, I'd find a lawyer who has a conscience and do it.
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