Freep thread: High flyer: RNC Chairman Steele suggested buying private jet with GOP funds(RNC Cash for sex club?
If this doesn't him him fired, nothing will.
1 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 6:53:11 AM by icwhatudo
To: icwhatudo
WTF? Why can’t he just fly coach?
3 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 6:54:55 AM by pnh102 (Regarding liberalism, always attribute to malice what you think can be explained by stupidity. - Me)
To: icwhatudo
Steele is an epic failure and needs to go ASAP. Of course, when fired, he’ll say he’s the victim of racism.
4 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 6:55:34 AM by rintense (Only dead fish go with the flow, which explains why Congress stinks.)
To: icwhatudo
If the RNC will not fire him out of fears of being called rassist then they deserve what they get.
To: icwhatudo
But he is light skinned and speaks with no discernable Negro accent.
7 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 6:56:05 AM by Saundra Duffy (For victory & freedom!!!)
To: icwhatudo
Steele is the Republican equvalent of his worthless counterpart occupying the White House.
9 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 6:57:42 AM by thethirddegree
To: icwhatudo
Gives me a chance to rail against one of these debacles that started it all - crucifying the auto CEO’s for using private jets to come to Washington for the bailout hearings.
Whether or not the RNC needs private jets, we aren’t going to have top CEO’s and top companies if their leaders have to fly commercial.
Just imagine the head of Ford having to tell the Japanese government or a Japanese auto company that he has to book a commercial flight in order to make it to a negotiation.
Let’s be First Class all the way.
10 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 6:57:47 AM by Williams (It's the policies, stupid)
To: theDentist
Is this what donations to the RNC paid for:
"And far in the back, past the photo booth, apothecary bar and walls plastered in contact sheets from an illicit Mexico photo shoot, there's a private VIP room with a separate entrance and a giant chaise that could comfortably hold you and 10 beauties who appreciate furniture with well-placed handles…
And anybody else who likes to watch."
17 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 6:59:14 AM by icwhatudo ("laws requiring compulsory abortion could be sustained under the existing Constitution"Obama Adviser)
To: icwhatudo
“and $1,620.71 spent at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.”
I find this part hard to believe. If so; his butt needs to be fired immediately.
20 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 7:00:59 AM by HereInTheHeartland ( Don't retreat, just reload.)
To: icwhatudo
Is anyone else starting to think that Steele is a dem plant? A sex club? Idiot!
22 posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 7:02:56 AM by penelopesire ("The only CHANGE you will get with the Democrats is the CHANGE left in your pocket")