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Ethics office: Deal acted improperly with side business

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cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-10 01:34 PM
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Ethics office: Deal acted improperly with side business

Former Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.), a candidate for governor, far exceeded House limits on earned outside income and used his staff to help maintain a stream of income from a no-bid state business deal, according to an Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) report.

The OCE released the 138-page report on its months-long investigation on Monday. The probe focused on allegations first reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Deal and his business partner made hundreds of thousands of dollars from a vehicle salvage and disposal business and that Deal used his office resources to prevent Georgia state officials from making changes to the state vehicle inspection system that would hurt the business and revenue streams from it.

In 2008 Deal made at least $75,000 in earned income, the OCE found, nearly triple the limit of $25,830. Deal has denied any wrongdoing.

Deal resigned his House seat an hour after he voted no on the healthcare reform bill March 21. The House clerk recorded the resignation just minutes before the stroke of midnight. The next day was the deadline for the OCE to determine whether it should issue a report recommending further investigation by the full ethics panel or dismiss the case.
Remember the Georgia Congressman who announced his resignation from Congress, but then postponed it until he could vote against the health care bill in the House last week?
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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-10 01:53 PM
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1. That damn cook was MY REP! already sent him a scathing letter
abiut postponing his rersignation until the HC bill vote & I also told him I will NEVER vote for him to be Gov. of Ga. Hopefully he's fade into the backgroung & I won't have to hear or see him again!
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