I don't know what she's referring to with the DNC and pornographic exhibits funded by the stim bill. :shrug:
http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com/democratic-national-committee/conservative-womens-group-rips-rnc-over-bondage-themed-nightclub/Conservative Women’s Group Rips RNC Over Bondage-Themed Nightclub
The news that nearly $2000 in RNC funds were spent on a bondage-themed nightclub seems on the verge of creating yet another major headache for RNC chair Michael Steele.
The latest: A conservative women’s advocacy organization — one whose members donate to the RNC — is demanding answers. Penny Nance, the CEO of Concerned Women for America, which boasts half a million members nationwide, emails:
“Did they really agree to reimburse nearly $2,000 for a bondage-themed night club? We have several questions. For the RNC: Why would a staffer believe that this is acceptable, and has this kind of thing been approved in the past? And for the Democratic National Committee: Do you believe that it is appropriate to use tax dollars for pornographic exhibits like the ones recently funded by the stimulus bill?
“Please explain to Republican and Democratic women if and why you think it is appropriate to promote pornographic enterprises? As women we find the very idea of officials from either party approving of endeavors that objectify and demean women outrageous. This kind of behavior is not appropriate for national leaders that our children should be able to look up to as role models, and that our daughters could be working for.
“Did you really swill drinks, ogle young girls and plan party business at this kind of establishment? Please explain!”
Yikes! That last line should really make GOP donors happy.
The central question right now seems to be: How did this expenditure of RNC funds get approved?
Like other past stories involving the RNC, this one is already leading to media mockery and ridicule — arguably the most difficult type of criticism to overcome. Indeed, Steele resembles one of those cartoon characters who gets hit on his head, develops a lump, only to get hit again, developing a lump on top of that lump, and so on…