Regarding the arrest of Christian militia members...
Thread 1: response's, I'm series!....
...ok, so what is the FBI doing about all the islamic terrorist camps popping up all over the U.S?
This group could be a bit misguided, but since when is it a crime in this country to prepare for the coming of the Antichrist?
pretribbers are in the minority
many Christians believe we will go thru the tribulation- post trib
or do not believe there will be a specific anitchrist, tribulation period etc
just that Jesus will return at the end of time
this group sounds like they are either mid or post trib
i hope this answers your question
I agree with the above posts. Those guys sound a little nutty but simply having odd ideas and owning a lot of guns is not a crime. If they actually threaten or harm someone that's another story.
I wonder if this is the beginning of a crackdown on "domestic terrorists" in this country?
This one is crystal clear.
The administration is afraid that Militia's will start popping up since we're headed rapidly towards a totalitarian state - and the message is: DON'T FORM MILITIA'S - WE WILL COME AFTER YOU====
I agree.
If this regime keeps pushing its radical ideas like it is you are going to see more and more militia groups popping up. (Jesus. That's my FINAL ANSWER.)
You hit it perfectly. This is such an obvious push back at tea-party Christians. First, we were a joke (tea-baggers). Then we were 'racist'. Now, we're 'terrorists'.
They're creating that public perception that Christians = unstable and dangerous!====
The Gestopo Bureu of Internal Affairs? Wait thats not abbrivated FBI.
How come If I was a muslim, black, and affliated with known criminals... I could walk out and get away with countless atroscities? If I was born in Mexico, to mexican parents, and spoke broken english, I could walk on over get SSI and SNAP? How come only the socialist preachers on tv who lie cheat and steal from the innocent are the big name Christians? How come when an honest hard working mom tries out for politics she is targeted? How come adulterers make more headlines? I can go on.
When did America become the land of the welfare and hypocricsy? Oh yeah... between the time Isreal was formed and today. Evidence that we are in the end times.
Obama is a constitutional terrorist!
Closing thread for moderator review.