Report: Otter Population Still Declining
Survey Conducted By The Otter Project
POSTED: 4:25 pm PDT March 29, 2010
UPDATED: 4:28 pm PDT March 29, 2010
MONTEREY, Calif. -- The California sea otter population continues to struggle and remains in decline, according to a recent report conducted by The Otter Project.
The status report found that although fewer sea otters were found dead in 2009, the spring count saw a steep enough drop in the otter population to put the 3-year average in decline.
Officials with The Otter Project, a nonprofit working to facilitate the recovery of the California sea otter, also said the sea otters that were found dead tended to be younger, indicating that they are not living as long.
Sea otters are considered threatened under the Endangered Species Act, which mandates the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to work toward their recovery.
“We’ve known since last year that the population was struggling,” said Allison Ford, executive director of The Otter Project. “This status report serves as a reminder that we need to act now to improve conditions for sea otters.”
The Otter Project points to poor water quality as one of the main reasons for sea otter deaths.