Yep this will make the story go away - Stelle couldn't have been wasting the money in LA he was returning from Hawaii wasting tens of thousands of dollars there!
This exclusive picture shows RNC bookeeper Estelle Whitaker explaining to the staff member responsible that his actions were not acceptable. Staffer was later dismissed.

Here is the RNC report that shows that Steele could not have been wasting money in a topless LA bondage club because at the time he was returning from wasting TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS taking the entire central committee to a useless meeting in Hawaii: Dismisses Aide Over Outing to Club
A Republican Party spokesman said Monday evening that a staff member has been dismissed following a February outing to a risqué Hollywood nightclub, where a party donor submitted a $2,000 tab and asked for reimbursement from the Republican National Committee
Doug Heye, the communications director for the R.N.C., issued this statement:
“At the outset, Chairman Steele was not at Voyeur West Hollywood. He had no knowledge of the expenditure, nor does he find the use of committee funds at such a location acceptable. While some in the press have suggested Chairman Steele was at the venue, he was not and no proof has been offered that he was. When the expense was incurred, Chairman Steele was on United flight # 0084, returning from the RNC Winter Meeting.