CBC NewsBy Neil Macdonald CBC NewsI had to wince when I saw poor old John McCain last week, standing on stage with a constipated smile as his former running mate Sarah Palin threw him a bone.
... During the health-care vote last week, Tea Partiers behaved like the snarling white mobs that lined the streets of Selma, Alabama, 46 years ago.
... But even those politicians who embrace the Tea Partiers must realize that there is, in the end, no way to make them happy. They run on adrenaline and resentment, not logic.
Indeed, several of the movement's leaders are unemployed, having lost their jobs to the recession. Some are collecting federal jobless benefits. Others are collecting social security. The older ones are enjoying government Medicare.
And yet they inveigh against the growth of government — precisely the sort of growth that took place most vigorously under George W. Bush. These are people with no sense of irony.
... They are, after all, mostly older, white, evangelicals from the heartland and the American South. And they just watched a bill they hated pushed through by a woman (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi), vocally supported by prominent Jews (Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Anthony Weiner), with the help of a powerful gay legislator (Barney Frank), and finally signed by a black president whose middle name is Hussein.
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