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Hutaree Pale Horse Sickles Built Christian Fantasy of Serial Killing

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
maddezmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-10 07:38 AM
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Hutaree Pale Horse Sickles Built Christian Fantasy of Serial Killing
Pale Horse Sickles Built Christian Fantasy of Serial Killing
posted 29th March 2010 in Media, Religion, Video by jclifford
For Khristopher Sickles, who used the Hutaree pseudonym “Pale Horse”, Christianity served as a perfect combination of righteous indignation and an excuse to behave in inexcusable ways. In particular, Sickles found in Christianity an excuse to kill people.

The key was the Hutaree (“Christian warrior”) belief that the Hutaree group was receiving direct inspiration from God, and soon would serve as a core group of fighters against Satan, and anyone perceived to be aligned with Satan. Those perceived to be aligned with Satan included representatives of the government, and that included the police. Because the police were aligned with Satan, the Hutaree concluded, the children of the police were acceptable targets for murder as well. The Hutarees would be killing for Jesus, and so the killing would be righteous.

The children of the police weren’t the first children that Kris Sickles thought of killing. Last year, he released a film he had written and directed himself, entitled Dement Incarnate. The main character of the film was a serial killer, and in the film, that character is shown reveling in the slaughter of a very young boy.

Sickles wrote a summary of Dement Incarnate describing it as “a film about a lonely serial killer who enjoys the freedom of killing. His sadistic lust has no end and these unsuspecting townspeople will soon find out!” It’s a cinematic meditation on what could lead a person to become a serial killer.


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HughBeaumont Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-10 07:49 AM
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1. Ah, the Ultimate Drug strikes again.
As you go further west/south in Ohio, the reeee-lijus whackjob quotient rises substantially. Sickles was one of two Ohio men arrested from Hutaree. The other, Jacob Ward, apparently got his guns (AK47 and a semi-automatic pistol) taken away from him some time ago by family members who thought he needed mental health treatment.

All of the Hutaree members were "End Timers". Our paper pointed out that these splinter groups rise substantially when a Democrat takes office (militia groups rose in number during the Clinton Administration also).

I wonder why, if they're so anti-gubmint, you never see hide nor hair of these people while the neo-fascists are in power. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .
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