Dear Tea Party Activists:
As a political observer I am aware the Tea Party is against wasteful government spending and excessive deficits. I therefore propose this Ten Point Plan to solve America's wasteful government spending and excessive deficit problems. You should like all of these programs.
1. Abolish the Marine Corps. The Marines' mission can be accomplished by the Army. Since the Marines are simply a duplication of effort, they should be eliminated at once. The Marines' historical artifacts will be turned over to the Smithsonian Institution for safekeeping, their bases will be closed and all their personnel will be released. The best Marines may find suitable employment in the remaining branches of service, and the rest will be forced to seek gainful private employment.
2. Give Marijuana the same legal status as Alcohol. Marijuana is a relatively harmless drug. By legalizing it and releasing all the pot offenders currently rotting in jail, we can save a lot in law enforcement costs. By giving it the same status as booze, millions of private sector jobs will be created. Home Depot and Walmart will make billions selling bedding plants and special marijuana fertilizers, Philip Morris will be able to sell prerolled marijuana cigarettes, Anheuser-Busch will sell bags of weed next to the beer, and millions of smoke shops will open nationwide.
3. End the Iraq War. Even Republicans are now saying going to war in Iraq was a bad idea. Since Republicans and Democrats agree it's a bad idea, and it costs a billion a day for no good reason, let's end it.
4. Drill Here, Drill Now. You guys really want to drill for oil in the United States. I agree with you, we should drill in the United States. In fact, I notice by looking at this map there's a nice deposit of oil right under your toilet. Oh...I also checked your deed; you don't own the mineral rights, so no one's going to pay you for the oil well we're going to drill through your bathroom floor. Too bad.
5. Get rid of the Office of Faith Based National Initiatives
6. Eliminate tax deductions for charitable giving. Almost all charitable giving is to churches. Most of that money is used to support the church itself; relatively little is used to support any outreach work. This makes churches similar to organizations like country clubs, which are joined for pleasurable purposes. The Internal Revenue Code does not allow people to deduct their golfing and drinking, so we have decided to also eliminate the deduction for praying.
7. Eliminate private military contractors by increasing the size of the Army During the Vietnam War and Operation Desert Storm, the military's combat service support functions were handled by soldiers. In the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, those same functions are handled by civilians that cost us twice as much as soldiers would have. By requiring those contractors to enlist in the Army and accept a standard military paycheck, we can save a LOT of money.
8. Privatize the roads and sell "Road Subscriptions."
Each driver will be required to pay a monthly "Road Subscription" fee to a Road Subscription Fee Authority. Any driver caught without a Road Subscription box will have his car confiscated and sold. Roads will be maintained by private companies, who will receive the road subscription revenues with the knowledge failing to maintain the roads in a condition acceptable to the government will result in prosecutions and jail time.
9. Take "Corporate Personhood" all the way The Supreme Court says corporations have the same rights as individuals. Okay, that's fine...but as an individual I can't carry forward tax loss, stay out of prison if something I make kills someone, or rent a mailbox in Nassau to avoid paying income tax.
10. Eliminate tax deductions for churches Since we eliminated the tax deduction for money given to your church, we also decided to eliminate your church's ability to announce it was exempt from taxes.
I am certain all of these simple suggestions will be pleasing to you.
Regards, a concerned Democrat.