Sexual Freedom Group Charges RNC With Hypocrisy
First Posted: 03-30-10 09:57 AM | Updated: 03-30-10 10:36 AM
One of the leading organizations advocating for sexual openness and freedom is charging the Republican National Committee with hypocrisy in the wake of revelations that a RNC staffer spent nearly $2,000 on a night at a bondage-themed nightclub.
Jeffrey Montgomery, a founding member and spokesperson for the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, who has lobbied extensively to promote the idea that sexual freedom is a human right, charged the RNC and its chairman, Michael Steele with duplicity for posturing as moral purists at the same time that they were indulging their esoteric, voyeuristic impulses.
"I think, from our standpoint, the issue isn't that he was at this club and spent all that money. If one can afford that, it is not such a big deal. It sounds like a fun club. The problem, of course, is that the RNC is hypocritical," Montgomery said. "I really doubt we would be talking about this issue if he got reimbursed for a weekend poker tournament or a Final Four basketball game... but because he happened to go to a sex club or whatever the definition is, once again the RNC finds itself in this hypocritical position of having one of their own leaders involved in a thing they would otherwise be worked up about. That's the problem here."
"There should be no big deal over this or over the fact that he did this and where he was. He may as well have just been at an art auction or antique show," Montgomery added. "The RNC should just stop moralizing about people's individual sexual lives as long as what they are doing is legal. They should deal with the problem that they have out-of-control spending numbers, not what they are spending the money on."