Them to Guantanamo: Double Standard on White Christian Domestic Terrorists is a Direct Threat to the U.S.
It's a relief of sorts that the Michigan militia members, White Christian Domestic Terrorists, were apprehended before they launched a killing spree of police officers and other Americans. But why should they receive a civil trial, according to right wing arguments; why shouldn't they be flown directly down to Guantanamo?
Of course BuzzFlash does support criminal trials for all charged terrorists and those plotting terorrism, but why the double standard on the part of the right wing when it comes to White Christian Domestic Terrorists?
In the Michigan Militia, which was quite active in the '90s when the NRA was all but encouraging domestic insurrection, you find the convergence of GOP incendiary talk, hate radio, the End Times movement, white nationalism, whites feeling themselves "victims" of a secular society, and the sedition encouraged by the likes of the Tea Party, the Alaska Independence Party, Governor Perry of Texas, and basically the whole right wing "white is right" power movement.
BuzzFlash, whose editor dealt with trying to dampen the influence of the gun lobby for years, knows that at the root of the Timothy McVeighs of the world is a sense of loss of white male power in an increasingly secular nation. That's not to mention that the destructive white male power feeling of "victimization" (which translated means: "why don't we call all the shots anymore, and why don't the undeserving minorities know their place?") virtually disappeared during the Bush administration, when you had a white male with a cauliflower for a brain as titular head of the nation; but that's okay, white males -- even if as dumb as cabbages -- are entitled to rule.
That's what the White Christian Domestic Terrorism of the Michigan militia is all about.
But BuzzFlash can assure you this from its 10 years of reporting on the white male power movement, which is essentially the Republican party, armed or unarmed: this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Anyone planning domestic terrorism or shooting a few people dead after reading books by FOX news inciters or Rush Limbaugh or the like should be sent directly to Guantanamo.
They are as dangerous in terms of terrorism as Al-Qaeda, so why should they get an exception just because they are white and Christian?
They shouldn't.
All our lives are at stake as each day elected GOP leaders and their right wing media echo chamber of hate throw matches on the fire of insurrection and domestic terrorism.
I agree but doubt the W.H. is brave enough to do it.