Wake up democrats, the republicans are creating too much energy! Don't let these fools trip you up because they will use that against us in November.After the HC bill passed, what can we use to throw the republicans/tea party people off the mark? Here's a couple of things: 1.Common Sense: The GOP wants to repeal and replace health care? You need 60 or more senate votes to repeal and as far as replace go, there's no way in hell that obama would accept that because he will veto the replacement in a second no matter how many times the GOP begs! They could've done something a long time ago but I guess they don't want to bail out average americans without calling it socialism. 2.Sour Grapes: Can Obama receive 2 terms in office? He has to get tough on his critics. He's gotta hit them where the good lord split them. Hypothetically who would be a good opponent for him? Here's a couple of picks; Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck. Who the hell are we kidding, even I got a real laugh from those picks! There ain't no real opponent.