Holy SHIT, the freeps HATE McCain for his immigration stance, calling him "McAmnesty" and "Juan McCain."
This is either a suicidal career move for Palin or she's just...not...thinking (could that be POSSIBLE?)
The freep thread:
McCain and Palin: Reunited and Feeling Good ("I support his position on immigration")
Fox News ^ | 2010-03-27
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:46:15 AM by rabscuttle385
VAN SUSTEREN: Governor Palin, if you were vice president today, what would you be telling a President McCain about what to do about immigration, if anything?
PALIN: I support his position on immigration. It all comes down to securing the border. And he who has actually proposed some solutions, the Obama administration does not want to listen to Senator McCain or any other Republican, and that, of course, leads to a greater problem that we have in Washington, D.C. And it's that lack of the new administration's ability and enthusiasm for listening to those on the other side of the aisle who have some good solutions that they want considered.
The responses:
To: Gene Eric
Woops missy you just lost my support...... send my money back and I am burning your autographed book.
6 posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:50:38 AM by Breto (never accept the premise)
To: Gene Eric
Anybody who is blathering about how her Mccain support is just about her loyalty to Mccain and she should be given a pass....needs to reevaluate themselves after telling the world she supports that RINO on immigration.
9 posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:52:42 AM by RummyChick
To: rabscuttle385
"They've got our number, Mom"
"I know...we're screwed...keep smiling..."
http://www2.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/McCain+Palin+Hold+Campaign+Rally+Pennsylvania+T4Drh_pg4Z2l.jpg12 posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:53:35 AM by jessduntno ( If someone calls me racist, I reply "you are just saying that because I'm white!")
To: rabscuttle385; Travis McGee
wasn’t much there there Rabs
Greta soft pedaled that one and let them answer with platitudes
but you are right
she will have to take a stand or not
if she comes out for amnesty and she’s lost my support
plain and simple
13 posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:54:20 AM by wardaddy (Greetings Comrade!)
To: wardaddy
I support his position on immigration.
She didnt say..I only support part of his position on immigration
His position is amnesty.
17 posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:56:14 AM by RummyChick